Thursday, December 9, 2010

Week 7 Vocabulary Sentences;


*My dad when to an Import Export bussiness.
*It takes time and a lot of paper work to Import a car.

*Coffe is a major export from Colombia.

*Price is a funtion of supply and demand.
*The computer didn't function anymore.

Week 7 Vocabulary Synonyms , Images and Sentences;

Import (noun) - goods, product
Import (verb) - bring in, introduce, trade in

                            This is the Logo of an Import Export company.

Export (noun) - product, item, goods
Export (verb) - sell overseas, send abroad

Function (verb) - work, perform, operate, run, act, behave

Function (noun) - purpose, meaning, role, job, task, gathering, occasion, event, party

               In this picture you can see all the places Australia exports things to.

                          This picture shows you the purpose of the leaf.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Week 7 Vocabulary Definitions and Examples;


To bring in (merchandise, commodities, workers, etc.) from a foreign country for use, sale, processing, reexport, or services

Something that is imported from abroad; an imported commodity or article

To ship (commodities) to other countries or places for sale, exchange, etc

The act of exporting; exportation: the export of coffee

The kind of action or activity proper to a person, thing, or institution; the purpose for which something is designed or exists; role.

To perform a specified action or activity; work; operate: The computer isn't functioning now. He rarely functions before noon.

Export (noun) - Wheat is one of our country's main exports.
Export (verb) - The U.S. hopes to export more cars to Asia next year.

Import (noun) - Oil is an important import that the U.S. receives from the Middle East.
Import (verb) - The U.S. will import oil from Iraq.

Function (noun) - The function of a car is to transport people.
Function (verb) - If you can follow directions, you will function in school much better.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Week 6 vocabulary; Paragraph.

My dad heard in the news that the economy is bad, he said that people aren't financing their money well and
that the Income is too low . He also said that a lot of people are lossing their jobs because of it. Then went on about telling me how i should take care of my money and appreciatte wath I have becaus eit means a lot.

Week 6 Vocabulary Sentences.

* People need to be wise when they finance their money.

* Its Important to finance your money wisely; it might save you alot.

* Economy is bad all around the world.
*He archived a small Economy by walking home instead of taking the bus.

*"I get a montly income, how about you?" the lady asked.
* I get a weekly income, but no as much as you do." She commented.

Week 6 Vocabulary; Synonyms, Images and Sentences.

-Economy - 
 financial system, wealth, market, country, nation


This picture describes what is happening right now; too much crime because the economy is going down.

-Finance (noun) -
money, economics, business, investment

 put money into, invest in, pay for
I think this represent finance; 
-Income -
profits, proceeds, revenue, earnings, pay, salary, wage

                                 This shows you how the income is sd the US.

-Finance (verb) -

Week 6 voabulary; Defu=initions and sample sentences.

the management of revenues; the conduct or transaction of money matters generally, esp. those affecting the public, as in the fields of banking and investment.

To supply with money or capital; obtain money or credit for

Finance (noun) - We learned about the government's finances in Economics class.
Finance (verb) - Most people finance a mortgage when buying a house.

the monetary payment received for goods or services, or from other sources, as rents or investments.

Income (noun) - A doctor's income is much higher than a teacher's. I should have been a doctor!

Thrifty management; frugality in the expenditure or consumption of money, materials, etc.

Economy (noun) - I like to shop at Costco, even though the economy sizes are sometimes difficult to finish.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Week 5 Synonyms, Images & Sentences;

 Link, connect, attach, join.

Well I coden't find a picture that showed what relate means. So I use this instead.


                                           Measure, consider, calculate, review, judge

                          This picture shows the meaning of assess.


Idea, theory, model, thought, view

This is the concept of a new phone.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Week 5 vocabulary;


 I couldn't relate to the Holocaust until I saw images from the concentration camps.
                               To tell; give an account of (an event, circumstance, etc.).

"I can't relate to anybody, because we all have different lives." My mom said.


It was difficult to assess exactly how much damage the last earthquake caused.
To estimate officially the value of (property, income, etc.) as a basis for taxation

I assesed my asigment before i turned in.


My students have no concept of personal space.

An idea of something formed by mentally combining all its characteristics or particulars; a construct

My mom said its important to get the concept of the movie.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Week 3 Vocabulary Synonyms, Image & Sentences;

Absorb, Affect, Associate

This picture shows a gropu of people getting Involved.

Allowence, Bite, Bonus

This picture show's you the percent of people who use Google.

Addapt, Anotate, Clarify

This people look like they are interpreters for something.

What is Plagarism?

Plagarism; the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.

Why do we do it? Well I guess there are a lot of reasons why we do it. One I think is because People think if they steal someone else's work from an author who isn't popular, I think they might get recognizaed for it. And maybe they just like it. And because somethimes its just easier.

Why won't Ms. S accept it? Because You need to do the things yourself. It isn't right to the author when you just steal work from other author.

Well I looked up Smith College.

Their college has a Plagarism test, and the school encorages you to desing a special symbols and develop methods so no one can plagarize your work.

It also encorages you to report Plagarism in the school paper.

Week 3 Vocabulary Definitions & Explanations;

I would like to became more involved in school so that my extra curricular activities in my college applications.

I hope to graduate top fivee percent of my class.

Ms.S often has Julianna interpret since she doesn't speak spanish.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 2 Vocabulary paragraph;

"What is indifference? Etymologically, the word means "no difference." A strange and unnatural state in which the lines blur between light and darkness, dusk and dawn, crime and punishment, cruelty and compassion, good and evil.
Of course, indifference can be tempting -- more than that, seductive. It is so much easier to look away from victims. It is so much easier to avoid such rude interruptions to our work, our dreams, our hopes. It is, after all, awkward, troublesome, to be involved in another person's pain and despair. Yet, for the person who is indifferent, his or her neighbor are of no consequence. And, therefore, their lives are meaningless. Their hidden or even visible anguish is of no interest. Indifference reduces the other to an abstraction"

Well I think that he has to deal with a lot, and so he asks "What is indifference?" I thin k this is a really good question, Because he ca;t forget that, he had to built a life with knowing wahtt happened. It is one thing to know it and another to live it, I don't think you can't build a good structure like that. What he lived had to have a big Impact on him.

He quoutes "It is afther all, awkward, troublesome, to be involved in anothers person's despair.Yet, for the person who is indifferent, his or her neighbor are of no consequence."
I think here he means, that is mineanigles how people don't perceive other people.

Week 2 Vocabulary Synonims & Images;

Concequences, Repercussion, Significance.

Configuration, Architecture, Construction.

Distinguish, Appreciate, Comprehend.

Week 2 Vocabulary & Examples;

THe striking of one thing to another.
The Impact of the colliding cars broke the windshell.

Mode of building, construction, or organization.
A pyramid structure.

To became aware of know or Identify by means of sence.
I perceive an object looming trought the mist.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Voki; Vocabulary.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010



Well I know that this is not the kind of Issue I need But for me it works :)


Well I chose this one because it is obviously evidense of a crime.


Well I chose this one because this obviously summarize's something.

Vocabulary; Week 1

Issue; The act of sending out or putting fort.

Evidence; Used to prove or disprove something, ground belief for proof.
Summarize; To make summary, summarize somrthing;

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Vocabulary Week 9 Sentences

When I asked my mother if I could go out on a school night, she consented after I promise to clean the house for the month.

My mover consented that I could go out on a school night.

Gray eyeshadow would make a great emphasis in your eyes.


"What was the criteria for the winneres?" my mother asked.

To be part of the club you need to fullfil a certain criteria.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

About the project

Ms. S
Today I finished all my questions...... and started my prezi. 
Consent:to agree, permit, allow to do somethig. He consented to the proposal. We asked her permision, and she consented.


In this picture you can clearly see this man trying to make the lady do somethin, maybe because he thinks she doesn't know her rights.


Emphasis:any importance attached to anything, or special strees laid upon anyhting. The president's speech gave emphatesis to budgetary crisis.



                In this picture you can see the emphasis in her blue eyes, your attention is drawn to her hair, but at the same time it is drawn to her eyes.

 Criteria:a standard of judgement/criticism, a rule for evaluating or testing something. Did you make sure your project had the necesary criteria to ear a good grade.


This web here has a good criteria, you can clerly see what the theme was about, and it is comlete with information.