Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Week 1 Sentences


* I need to achive my mastery plato to go home.
* The police crackdown on speeders achieved its purpose.


* I was asked to compute how much time i would spend doing my test.
* I also said that computing my time was hard, so i just i wouls need an hour.


* I wanted a dress in a specific color for a paty, but i haven't found a dress with the colors.
* My english test asked to write specific answers.

Quarter 4, Week 1 Synonyms, Images, and Sentences Assignment

Achieve - Attain, accomplish Compute 

She accomplished making this box.

Calculate, figure, total Specific -

I had to calculate how much sugar to use.

 Exact, precise

                                      I wanted a dress in this exact colors, but i haven't found one yet.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Fourth Quarter, Week 1 Vocabulary Definitions and Examples

Achieve (verb) - You can achieve a lot in life when you focus and work hard.

  • to bring to a successful end; carry through; accomplish.
    Specific (adj) - When trying to achieve your goals, it is helpful to be specific in the steps you will take to achieve that goal.


  • having a special application, bearing, or reference; specifying, explicit, or definite
    Compute (verb) - Using a calculator makes computing decimal problems much easier.

  • to determine by calculation; reckon; calculate

    Thursday, March 24, 2011

    Mini-Biography - Rosa Parks

    1. When was she born? Where?

    Rosa Parks was born in 1913 in Alabama.

    2. When does the Civil Rights Movement unofficialy start? How did Rosa Parks ignite this?

    The civil rights movement started in August 1955-1968.

    3. Why was Rosa Parks arrested? Under what charge?

    She was arrersted because she refused to give up her seat in the bus. She was charged and found guilty with violating a local ordinance.

    4. Where did she go to school? What did she study to become?

    She attended Alabama state College.

    5. What is the NAACP?

    National association for the advance of colored people.

    6. When did she die? How?

    She died at the age of 92 in 20, I tyhink she was diagnosed with something... I don't know what. But I know she died in her house/ apartment.

    7. Find an image.


    Week 10 Vocabulary Paragraph

    "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."

    Well I guess this means, that education is important and that if you want to have a good future you defenetly have to have a good education. Because education will open doors in the future, good jobs, knowledge, and it will definetly give you a good paycheck.

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011

    Week 10 Vocabulary Sentences;

    * Its important to interact so you meet new people.
    * In school everybody interact with each other.
    * When my phone broke the company had to compensate me with a new one.
    * But its was going to take a week for them to give me back a new one, because thay had to figuere out what was wrong with it.
    * I was asked to sing my initial in the contract.
    *The initial step in a process.

    Week 10 Synonyms, Images, and Sentences

    Interact (verb) - Intermingle, act together, intergrate, cooperate

    In this picture kids all arround the world interact together.

    Compensate (verb) - Make up for, offset, pay damages, reimburse, give back

    When my phone stopped working, the company conpensated me with a new one.

    Initial (adjective, noun, verb) - First, early, original

    This initial is in an original font.


    Monday, March 21, 2011

    Martin Luther King, Jr.- Mini Biography;

    *Martin Luther King Jr. was born in January 15, 1929.
    * He went to Booker T. Washington High School. But because of his high score on the college entrance examinations in his junior year of high school, he advanced to Morehouse College without formal graduation from his high school.
    *He married Coretta Scott, younger sister of Obadiah and Bernice McMurray Scott of Marion. They had four children. And he got married June 18 1953.
    * He was the pastor of Dexter Avenue from September 1954 to November 1959.
    *The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) is an American civil rights organization. SCLC was closely associated with its first president, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr The SCLC had a large role in the American Civil Rights Movement.[1].
    *He was a Civil Rights leader.
    *He was a leader, he gave speeches.
    * He created a boycott, where all black people had to walk to work. they were boycotting against riding the bus.
    *At the age of thirty-five, Martin Luther King, Jr., was the youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize. When notified of his selection, he announced that he would turn over the prize money of $54,123 to the furtherance of the civil rights movement.
    * Martin Luther King Jr. was assasinated. April 4 1968

    Week 10 Vocabulary Definitions & Examples

    Compensate (verb) - You will be compensated depending on the quality of your work.

    to recompense for something:
    *They gave him ten dollars to compensate him for his trouble

    Initial (adj) - The inital step in returning to a comprehensive school is scheduling a meeting with the district.

    of, pertaining to, or occurring at the beginning; first:
    *The initial step in a process.

    Interact (verb) - At Umoja Community School, it is important for the two classes to interact in order to promote unity

    to act one upon another
    * To be part of a group, and be friends with each other.

    Thursday, March 10, 2011

    Week 8 Vocabulary Sentences

    • Administer (verb)
    • I'm responsible for administrating my school work.
                                                           Conduct (noun, verb)
    When I"m in school i have to be in good conduct. 
    I read a book named code Of Conduct.

                                                                         Element (noun)
     For science I have to study the Elements chart. 
    I'm not good with memorizing the elements.

    Week 8 Synonyms, Images, and Sentences

    Administer (verb) - Manage, dispense, direct, govern, oversee

     This nurse is administrating a syringe.

    * Conduct (noun) - Behavior, demeanor, carry

     This booklet tell you about good conduct 

    * Element (noun) - Part, component, building block

    Week 8 Vocabulary Definitions & Examples

    1. Conduct (noun) - He carried himself with professional conduct.
     personal behavior; way of acting; bearing or deportment

    1. Conduct (verb) - I expect students to conduct themselves well with substitute teachers.
    to behave or manage (oneself)

    1. Element (noun) - The elements of success are determination and hard
    a component or constituent of a whole or one of the parts into which a whole may be resolved by analysis
    1. Administer (verb) - Ricardo, in the National City office, will administer the CAHSEE test.
    2. work.
    to manage or dispose of, as a decedent's estate by an executor or administrator  or a trust estate by a trustee

    Thursday, March 3, 2011

    Week 7 Vacabulary Paragrapg;

    Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time: the need for man to overcome oppression and
    violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge,
    aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.-

    Occur, Assume, Respond, Process

    Wednesday, March 2, 2011

    It never occured to me that today was not a school day
    *When did the accident occur?

    *My mother told me not to assume bad thing about my grades.
    *He assumed the style of an aggressive go-getter.

    Process (verb & noun),

    *The army processes all personnel entering or leaving the service
    * The making of chesse takes process.

    and Respond.

    *The teacher asked a questions and I responded.

    * My Response was correcrt.

    Tuesday, March 1, 2011


    Albany (Georgia) Movement, 1961

    Bi The SCLC, which had been criticized by some student activists for its failure to participate more fully in the freedom rides, committed much of its prestige and resources to a desegregation campaign in Albany, Georgia, in November 1961. King, who had been criticized personally by some SNCC activists for his distance from the dangers that local organizers faced—and given the derisive nickname "De Lawd" as a result—intervened personally to assist the campaign led by both SNCC organizers and local

    Birmingham, desegregation of, 1963

    desegregation of, 1963
    Invigorated by the victory of Brown and frustrated by the lack of immediate practical effect, private citizens increasingly rejected gradualist, legalistic approaches as the primary tool to bring about desegregation.
    Black Power

    Black Power

    the political and economic power of black Americans as a group, especially such power used for achieving racial equality.

    Brown v Board of Education, 1954

    Spring 1951 was the year in which great turmoil was felt amongst Black students in reference to Virginia state's educational system. At the time in Prince Edward County, Moton High School was segregated and students had decided to take matters into their own hands to fight against two things
    bus boycotts

    bus boycotts

    Central High School (Little Rock), 1957

    Citizens Councils

    civil rights

    Civil Rights Act of 1957

    The Civil Rights Act of 1957, primarily a voting rights bill, was the first civil rights legislation enacted by Congress in the United States since Reconstruction

    Civil Rights Act of 1960

    The Civil Rights Act of 1960 was a United States federal law that established federal inspection of local voter registration polls and introduced penalties for anyone who obstructed someone's attempt to register to vote or actually vote

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    Although President Kennedy had proposed civil rights legislation and it had support from Northern Congressmen, Southern Senators blocked consideration of the bill by threatening filibusters.

    rights to personal liberty established by the 13th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. constitution and certain Congressional acts, especially as applied to an individual or a minority group.

    Week 7 Synonyms, Images, and Sentences;

    Occur – happen, take place, transpire, come to mind

    Assume – presume, imagine, suppose

    Process (noun) – course, procedure, development
    Process (verb) – treat, handle

    Week 7 Vocabulary Definitions & Examples;

    Assume (verb)- If you assume things about other people before you get to know them, you are probably incorrect about your assumptions.

    to take for granted or without proof; suppose; postulate; posit

    Respond - A good way to respond to assumptions is to prove people wrong.

                        to keep back or save for future use, disposal, treatment, etc. to retain or secure by express stipulation


    Process - Processed foods tend to be unhealthier than organically grown foods.

                                              a systematic series of actions directed to some end

    Occur (verb) - Common colds occur when people don't wash their hands frequently.

    to be met with or found; present itself